July 2016
In 2016, Lost in Song and the Lostwithiel Business Group were proud to be part of the landmark Man Engine tour that took Cornwall by storm during July and August.
Celebrating 10 years, the Tinth Anniversary, of Cornwall’s post-mining landscape becoming a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a giant Cornish Tin Miner, over 10 metres high toured significant landmarks and towns in Cornwall’s mining history.
From the moment the behemoth Man Engine was unveiled in Tavistock, Devon, to the very end of the tour at Geevor Tin Mine, West Penwith; the ambitious and breath-taking performance captivated the world’s media.
With support from Arts Council England, Lostwithiel was day three on the two week tour schedule and members from Lost in Song, LostFest and Lostwithiel’s Business Group worked alongside the Man Engine events management team to create a momentous occasion for the town, the audience and all those involved.
At 6pm on Wednesday 29th July, on King George V playing field and with a TV crew from BBC’s The One Show, over 7000 people sang and celebrated Cornwall’s mining achievements and drew breath as the gigantic Cornish miner, took to his feet.
Directed by Emma Mansfield, Lost in Song and The Daylight Choir were at the heart of the Lostwithiel event, having promoted and been part of the community singing rehearsals, led by Will Coleman, Creator of the Man Engine Project. Emma Mansfield continued to support the Man Engine team at the Heartlands and Geevor events, with singers from Lost in Song and the Daylight choir contributing their voices throughout the tour.
It was a momentous occasion for Lostwithiel and propelled the town into the August Sing Along the River Season.
Business Lostwithiel Group
Lost Fest Events Management team
The Lovely Foundation CIC / Lovely Projects CIO
Lost in Song
The Day Light Choir
Bodmin College
Arts Council England
Lostwithiel Business Group